by Target Pest Control | Oct 24, 2022 | Spider Control
Seeing a single spider in your house can be quite alarming as it creeps across the ceiling or scurries under the couch. Although spiders are incredibly beneficial in keeping the overall bug population down in and around your home, the thought of a spider crawling on...
by Target Pest Control | Oct 17, 2022 | Spider Control
Picking up a shirt or blanket off the floor to find a quick scurrying spider can be very unnerving. Spiders are not fun to find in your home. Though bites are rare, the possibility of suffering a bite from a black widow or brown recluse is enough for most people to...
by Target Pest Control | Mar 28, 2022 | Spider Control
There are over 45,000 known spider species found around the world and 60 types of spiders living in California. Female spiders can lay up to 1000 eggs in one egg sac and some females can lay up to 20 egg sacs in a lifetime, all depending on the species of spider. You...