Spiders can be found on every continent except Antarctica and can live in a variety of climates and environments. For the most part, they keep to themselves and provide an important role in the ecosystem by eating many pests and bugs. But you probably don’t want to...
At the end of the night, you begin your bedtime routine. First a shower, then brush your teeth, go to the bathroom and finally turning off all the lights in the house. As you cozy into bed, the last thing you want to think about is whether or not spiders will crawl on...
Spiders are practically everywhere. They can be found on every continent except Antarctica and because they like to make their homes in hidden spaces, might be in more places than you realize. That being said, the idea of spiders creeping around your house can be too...
There are more than 45,000 known species of spiders in the world. Fortunately, most are harmless and provide an important benefit in the ecosystem to control the bug population. Some can be deadly, however, so it’s good to know the types of spiders you may encounter...
Seeing a single spider in your house can be quite alarming as it creeps across the ceiling or scurries under the couch. Although spiders are incredibly beneficial in keeping the overall bug population down in and around your home, the thought of a spider crawling on...
I have been using Target Pest Control for a number of years now. When I tell my grandchildren the bug man is coming they get very excited. He has always been exceptionally nice and does a good job.